About Us

City Security Consultants Inc.

2010 Kendall Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel. 202/635-2968
Fax 202/832-0906

  • Investigations & Litigation Support
  • Armed or Unarmed Security
  • Dignitary Protection
  • Electronic Security
  • Risk Management &
  • Security Training

The Company

City Security Consultants, Inc. (CSCI) is a progressive corporation founded in 1995 to provide an array of security and technical support services. The Company has four primary divisions: Protective services, Technical support, investigations, and training.

City Security Consultants, Inc (CSCI) is headquartered and licensed in the District of Columbia. CSCI specializes in providing high quality physical security, electronic security, dignitary protection, security analysis, risk assessment and security to both government and privately owned corporations.

City Security Consultants, Inc. is staffed by a diverse group of individuals to include special police officers, security officers, retired police officers, and military officers, who have extensive security backgrounds.

“An inspiring quote from a company Employee / owner”
Name of Employee / Owner

Our Team

CSCI is led by President Edward Lewis a 25 year veteran of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) who retired at the rank of Lieutenant/Commander of the special Operations Division Training Branch.

He is joined by his Vice President and son Edward Lewis II, a former intelligence officer who has served in multiple facets of the US Government’s intelligence community to include being an imagery analyst, operations officer, and senior intelligence officer.

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